Thursday, May 8, 2014


AL IMAM ABDULRAHMAN AL FAISAL HOSPITAL, RIYADH, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA IS ONE OF THE NEWEST HOSPITAL OPENED UNDER THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH celebrated its very first International Nurses Week under the theme "Leading the way..." from May 06- 12, 2014. Headed by the full efforts of Nursing Education Department, Ms.Frencel Hannah Doton and

Ms.Divya Narendran with the support of their Hospital Director, Dr. Ateeq Mohammad Al- Gharni, Medical Director, Dr. Mohammad Al- Shamrani, Nursing Director, Mr. Ahmad Ali Al- Ghamdi, and the Head Of the Supervisors, Ms. Mary Jane de Guzman.

The week long celebration was composed of many events. As what the Nursing Education Supervisor, Ms. Doton said, "our hospital is still new, but if we will work together and help each other, in the near future, then we can be one of the best hospitals not only in Riyadh, but in the entire Kingdom and I want to be a part of it!" which made the audience motivated and inspired.

There were Poster- making competition with the theme: Patient Safety and Essay-writing contest with the theme" Nursing Code of Ethics which participated by each area and the poster made were displayed in the main entrance of the main hospital. This competition aims to promote camaraderie and teamwork to each and every nursing staffs which were achieved and targeted. There were also parlor games such as "Maria went to town", the longest line, and chair concentration wherein staff nurses verbalized they enjoyed.

The last day is the awarding ceremony headed by the Hospital Director, Dr. Ateeq Al- Gharni, guided by the grace of her presence, Ms. Fatima Al- Diab, Nursing Directorate , Nursing Affairs Riyadh. During this day, The BEST NURSE and the  BEST AREA award was given to the one's who deserved it. Also a certificate was given to the Supervisors and Head Nurses for their support and efforts to their beloved staffs in this week long activities.

This very first International Nurse's Week in Al Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital really is a bridge to promote staff nurses' motivation, inspiration, camaraderie and teamwork that in a way, nurses must have the time to enjoy and have fun. Afterall, nurses are the heart and soul in every hospital, indeed- WE ARE ANGELS IN THE SICKROOM.

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